Age of Empires sound scheme for Windows
Age of Empires sound scheme is a set of sounds from the best-selling game created by Microsoft. If you like that game, you will enjoy these 16 cool sounds created for various Windows events. The full list of the sound files looks as follows: balloon_aoe_infantryackb.wav changetheme_aoe_music1l.wav critical-stop_aoe_horse.wav defaultbeep_aoe_arrowshoot.wav deviceconnect_aoe_alertattack.wav devicedisconnect_aoe_alertattack.wav devicefail_aoe_villagerattack.wav error_aoe_scoutattack.wav exclamation_aoe_infantryattack.wav faxsent_aoe_arrowshoot.wav feeddiscovered_aoe_horse.wav logoff_aoe_music2l.wav […]